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collyrob 2:08 Sun Jul 22
Acid attack on a 3 year old
A three-year-old boy has been seriously injured in a suspected acid attack in Worcester - police believe he was deliberately targeted trib.al/4pKnY8m

I genuinely can’t comprehend how someone can be that fucking evil.

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DagenhamDave 7:16 Sat Jul 28
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
I wonder if fifth columnists actually refer to themselves as such. Maybe it’s a double bluff. Definitely won’t be irony as that’s too obvious. Well for most people anyway...

Willtell 12:45 Sat Jul 28
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Darby_ 4:20 Fri Jul 27

How do you deduce all that Darby_? Oh yes. I remember. You are a pathetic cunt looking for any excuse to have a go at me because I've made you look stupid in the past.

Carry on kidding yourself everyone believes you....

Mike Oxsaw 8:28 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Darby_ 4:20 Fri Jul 27

If MY wife ordered me a round I'd be made up. And on large brandies.

Darby_ 4:20 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Fuck me you're thick, Willtell.

No wonder your wife orders you around.

Willtell 2:35 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Fifth column
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favour of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine.


busheyhammer85 12:22 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Of course it's fucking Muslims FFS Fifth.

Wake up and smell the coffee SON.

goose 12:20 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
i'm sure someone could drag up the statistic about the number of Somali's who come here and dont work - especially the women............ think its about 80%.

having said that Somlia is about to see its first prosecution for FGM so they are one step ahead of us.

wansteadman 10:25 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
The husbands been here 11 years. Needed an interpreter. He orders an acid attack on his wife for being too westernised.
Why the fuck do these people come here in the first place and why do we let them in and stay

Takashi Miike 10:16 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
yes, what does jug eared cunt lineker think?

collyrob 10:15 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Haven’t really seen any celebrities criticize this attack at all. Wonder why they’re all giving it a swerve.

Takashi Miike 9:58 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
nothing funny at all. honour killings/attacks are another real aspect of a backward religion that has no place in the west

mashed in maryland 9:55 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
The father and mother are from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is 99.7% Muslim.

Hardly a shot in the dark Fifth. Come on.

Fifth Column 9:46 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
What's funny is that this thread started with certain people suggesting this was EDL which they rightly got cunted off for.

Now people are still randomly speculating but it's doing so about Muslims so apparently that's ok for the same people who had complained when people were making accusations about edl.

David L 9:41 Fri Jul 27
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Well I'm havIng trouble thinking of any other religion that has problems with its members becoming "westernised"

mashed in maryland 9:57 Thu Jul 26
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Fifth Column 8:25 Thu Jul 26

Because its symptomatic of the same sort of barbaric attitude towards women and girls which is now unfortunately rife in this country. The word is that this attack was ordered against the mother by the child's father as a punishment for the mother being "too westernized". There is a clear common element here. And I'd be the first to say it ISN'T necessarily Islam, fwiw.

Mike Oxsaw 9:38 Thu Jul 26
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
What aspect of open borders and, immigration in general, is worth having our young kids systematically groomed, raped and passed around like a joint at a dinner party?

What benefits offset the importation of these pre-medieval customs & practices? Customs & practices that the west has, through progress and enlightenment, virtually shed itself of.

Or is it the fact that we've already got the likes of Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter & Rolf Harris, so who are we to complain???

GingerNut 9:29 Thu Jul 26
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Was it on the TV news yesterday that I heard that a second offence involving acid would carry a jail term. Obviously, the first time would just be an innocent mistake. You really could not make this sh*t up.

goose 9:10 Thu Jul 26
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
Schools in Yorkshire are teaching the young girls to put a metal spoon down their pants to stop them being whisked off abroad & married off against their will. The idea is they set off the metal detectors at the airport.

I thought it was a wind up at first.


HairyHammer 9:06 Thu Jul 26
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
When an acid attack thread turns into a discussion about FGM it has to be racism.

I tried to explain FGM not being tied to Islam once and of course because it is a darn right disgusting sick thing to do many thought it had to be, FGM is cultural and is obviously so, Islam copied the Jews so if male circumcision exists blame them.

Fifth Column 8:25 Thu Jul 26
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
People should be prosecuted for forced marriage and fgm.

How did an acid attack carried out by people called Jan and Norbert become a discussion about fgm?

Mike Oxsaw 5:20 Thu Jul 26
Re: Acid attack on a 3 year old
And so, while people are "being listened to", and "concerns are being noted", the abuse/disregard for (women & children's) human values can continue unabated until some committee has run it past an adequate number of focus groups to decide that the subject needs more research.

Does every can you see have "Kick me down the road" written on it's label?

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